
英 [ɒsˈten.sə.bəl]      美 [ɑːˈsten.sə.bəl]
  • adj. 表面的;假装的
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1. os- "in front of" + tens- + -ible.
2. 字面含义:stretched to the front. => show, expose to view, exhibit, display.
3. => apparent, professed.
4. 也就是拉伸到前面、表面。
ostensible 表面的,宣称的


ostensible: [18] Ostensible means literally ‘that can be shown’. It comes via French from medieval Latin ostensibilis, a derivative of the Latin verb ostendere ‘show’ (itself a compound formed from the prefix ob- ‘in front of’ and tendere ‘stretch’, source of English extend, tend, tense etc). Its original meaning ‘showable’ survived into English (‘You should send me two letters – one confidential, another ostensible’, Jeremy Bentham, 1828), but seems to have died out by the mid-19th century.

Two metaphorical strands came with it, though. One, ‘vainly conspicuous’, goes right back to ostendere, and is still preserved in English ostentation [15], although it has disappeared as far as ostensible is concerned. The other, ‘presented as real but not so’, is today the central meaning of the adjective.

=> extend, ostentation, tend, tense
ostensible (adj.)
1762, "capable of being shown, presentable," from French ostensible, from Latin ostens-, past participle stem of ostendere "to show, expose to view; to stretch out, spread before; exhibit, display," from ob "in front of" (see ob-) + tendere "to stretch" (see tenet). Meaning "apparent, professed" is from 1771.
1. The ostensible reason for his absence was illness.
2. The ostensible reason wasn't the real reason.
3. The ostensible purpose of these meetings was to gather information on financial strategies.
4. Morris Townsend though he was by no means ostensible, was the real occasion of the feast.
5. He resigned secretaryship on the ostensible ground of health.



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