
英 [pledʒ]      美 [pledʒ]
  • n. 保证,誓言;抵押;抵押品,典当物
  • vt. 保证,许诺;用……抵押;举杯祝……健康
  • n. (Pledge)人名;(英)普莱奇
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1. 在漂亮美眉的边缘、旁边向她发誓一定会爱她到永远。直到天荒地老、海枯石烂。
pledge 请求,许诺,誓言

来自古法语plege,保证,来自Proto-Germanic*plego,责任,担保,来自PIE*dlegh,忙于,从事 于,责任,承诺,来自PIE*del,长的,词源同long,play,plight.引申词义请求,许诺,誓言等。

pledge: [14] Pledge comes via Old French plege from late Latin plebium, a derivative of the verb plebīre ‘pledge’. This was probably borrowed from Frankish *plegan ‘guarantee’, a derivative of the same Germanic base as produced English plight ‘pledge’ [OE] (as in ‘plight one’s troth’) and German pflicht ‘duty’.
=> plight
pledge (v.)
c. 1400, "to promise" (something to someone), "to give over as security for repayment," also "promise faith to," from pledge (n.) and from Old French plegier, from plege (n.). From mid-15c. as "to stand surety for, be responsible for;" late 15c. as "to mortgage." Meaning "put (someone) under oath" is from 1570s; sense of "to solemnly promise or guarantee" is from 1590s, as is sense "to drink a toast." Related: Pledged; pledging.
pledge (n.)
mid-14c., "surety, bail," from Old French plege (Modern French pleige) "hostage, security, bail," probably from Frankish *plegan "to guarantee," from *pleg-, a West Germanic root meaning "have responsibility for" (cognates: Old Saxon plegan "vouch for," Middle Dutch plien "to answer for, guarantee," Old High German pflegan "to care for, be accustomed to," Old English pleon "to risk the loss of, expose to danger;" see plight (v.)).

Meaning "allegiance vow attested by drinking with another" is from 1630s. Sense of "solemn promise" first recorded 1814, though this notion is from 16c. in the verb. Weekley notes the "curious contradiction" in pledge (v.) "to toast with a drink" (1540s) and pledge (n.) "the vow to abstain from drinking" (1833). Meaning "student who has agreed to join a fraternity or sorority" dates from 1901.
1. His tax-cutting pledge brought a delirious crowd to their feet.
2. In the treaty both sides pledge to respect human rights.
3. I pledge that by next year we will have the problem solved.
4. The agreement includes a pledge of non-aggression.
5. a pledge of support


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