英 [ˌpredʒ.əˈdɪʃ.əl]
美 [ˌpredʒ.əˈdɪʃ.əl]
prejudicial 有偏见的,有害的,不利的来自prejudice,偏见,成见。引申词义有害的,不利的。
- prejudicial (adj.)
- early 15c., "causing prejudice;" 1530s, "full of prejudice," from prejudice (n.) + -al (1), or else from Middle French prejudicial and directly from Medieval Latin prejudicialis "injurious," from Latin praeiudicium.
- 1. developments prejudicial to the company's future
- 不利于公司未来发展的新形势
- 2. The news - report was prejudicial to the defendant's case.
- 新闻报道不利于被告的辩护.
- 3. You could face up to eight years in jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security.
- 散布危害社会安全的谣言将被判入狱8年。
- 4. The judge agreed with the prosecution that such information would be too prejudicial for the jury to hear.
- 法官同意了检控方的意见,认为让陪审团知晓这样的信息对断案十分不利。
- 5. Too much smoking is prejudicial to health.
- 烟抽得太多有损健康.