
英 [ræmp]      美 [ræmp]
  • n. 斜坡,坡道;敲诈
  • vi. 蔓延;狂跳乱撞;敲诈
  • vt. 敲诈;使有斜面
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1. 谐音“南坡、乱坡”--- 向南的坡道、斜坡,南边的坡道、斜坡。
2. ramp, lamp: 坡道两边鲜花(r)盛开,l像一根电线吊起灯泡(lamp)。
3. 谐音“乱跑” --- 冲撞、横冲直撞,暴跳。
4. 东坡居士 =》南坡居士、南坡先生。
ramp 斜坡,匝道,狂蹦乱跳,狂暴,蔓延

来自古法语 ramper,爬,上升,登山,来自 Proto-Germanic*hrimp,卷起,弯起,收缩,来自 PIE*sker,弯,转,缩起,词源同 ring,curve.比喻用法,原用于形容动物蹲立在后脚跟上蓄势待发奔跑的姿势,引申诸相关词义。

ramp: [18] A ramp is etymologically something you ‘climb’ up. The word was borrowed from French rampe, a derivative of the verb ramper ‘climb’, hence ‘slope’. This goes back to a Frankish *rampōn, and was borrowed into English in the 13th century as ramp. It now survives mainly in the form of its present participle, rampant [14], which preserves the sense ‘rearing up’. Rampage [18] may be a derivative.
ramp (n.1)
1778, "slope," from French rampe, back-formation from Old French verb ramper "to climb, scale, mount;" see ramp (v.). Meaning "road on or off a major highway" is from 1952, American English.
ramp (n.2)
"rude, boisterous girl or woman," mid-15c., perhaps from ramp (v.). Compare romp in Johnson's Dictionary (1755): "a rude, awkward, boisterous, untaught girl."
ramp (v.)
c. 1300, "to climb; to stand on the hind legs" (of animals), from Old French ramper "to climb, scale, mount" (12c., in Modern French "to creep, crawl"), perhaps from Frankish *rampon "to contract oneself" (compare Old High German rimpfan "to wrinkle," Old English hrimpan "to fold, wrinkle"), via notion of the bodily contraction involved in climbing [Klein], from Proto-Germanic *hrimp- "to contract oneself." Related: Ramped; ramping.
1. Lillian was coming down the ramp from the museum.
2. That driver drove the car up the ramp.
3. This marble ramp weighs one ton.
4. Those planes powered down and off the ramp.
5. When & how to use watchdog ( WDT ) & constant ramp time for RAMP command?
看门狗 ( WDT ) 、 RAMP指令对固定斜率时间,何时以及如何使用?



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