
英 [ˈrɑːz.bər.i]      美 [ˈræz.ber.i]
  • n. 覆盆子;舌头放在唇间发出的声音;(表示轻蔑,嘲笑等的)咂舌声
  • n. (Raspberry)人名;(英)拉斯伯里
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raspberry 覆盆子,悬钩子

缩写自 raspis berry,悬钩子,来自 berry,莓子,浆果,raspis,词源不详,词源可能同 rasp,粗刮, 刮擦,形容该浆果多毛。

raspberry 嘘声,嘲笑声

同韵俚语词,来自 raspberry tart,用做 fart 的同韵俚语。

raspberry: [17] The origins of the word raspberry are a mystery. At first, the fruit was known simply as raspes or raspis (recorded in an Anglo-Latin text as early as the 13th century), and the -berry was not tacked on until the early 17th century – but no one knows where raspes came from. Its use for a ‘rude noise made by blowing’, first recorded in the 1890s, comes from rhyming slang raspberry tart ‘fart’.
raspberry (n.)
1620s, earlier raspis berry (1540s), possibly from raspise "a sweet rose-colored wine" (mid-15c.), from Anglo-Latin vinum raspeys, origin uncertain, as is the connection between this and Old French raspe, Medieval Latin raspecia, raspeium, also meaning "raspberry." One suggestion is via Old Walloon raspoie "thicket," of Germanic origin. Klein suggests it is via the French word, from a Germanic source akin to English rasp (v.), with an original sense of "rough berry," based on appearance.

A native plant of Europe and Asiatic Russia, the name was applied to a similar vine in North America. Meaning "rude sound" (1890) is shortening of raspberry tart, rhyming slang for fart.
1. He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up.
2. They're all making raspberry noises.
3. to blow a raspberry at sb
4. She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.
5. They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream.



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