
英 [ˈriː.fər]      美 [ˈriː.fɚ]
  • n. 冰箱;方形短茄克;缩帆结;双排扣水手上衣;收帆的人
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reefer 双排扣水手夹克,水手上衣

来自 reef,帆,收帆。原指船上水手收帆时穿的衣服。

reefer (n.)
"marijuana cigarette," 1920s, perhaps an alteration of Mexican Spanish grifo "marijuana, drug addict" [OED]; or perhaps from reef (v.), on resemblance to a rolled sail. It also meant "pickpocket" in criminal slang (1935). Reefer also was a nickname for the sailing navy's equivalent to a midshipman (1818) "because they attend in the tops during the operation of reefing" [Century Dictionary], which is the source of the meaning "coat of a nautical cut" (1878) worn by sailors and fishermen "but copied for general use in the fashions of 1888-90" [CD].
1. Get the reefer out of the Winnebago and give it to her during the party.
2. In May 1999, we launched another Reefer - on Rail from Chengdu to Shanghai.
3. Are these reefer containers for Rotterdam?
这些冷藏集装箱是到鹿特丹的 吗 ?
4. China - Japan, KODAI provides weekly reefer container liner service to cover main ports of China and Japan.
中、日间运输, 恒大提供覆盖中、日之间主要港口的冷藏集装箱周班运输服务.
5. Reefer container from any port in china to odessa offer the lowest price.



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