
英 [rɪd]      美 [rɪd]
  • vt. 使摆脱;使去掉
  • n. (Rid)人名;(英)里德
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1. 谐音“离的”
rid 摆脱

来自古诺斯语 rhthja,清理土地,清理垃圾,来自 Proto-Germanic*reudijan,清理土地,来自 PIE*reudh,清理土地。后词义通用化,用以指摆脱,清除。

rid: [13] The verb rid was borrowed from Old Norse rythja, ancestor of modern Swedish rödja, Danish rydde, and Norwegian rydja. This in turn went back to a prehistoric Germanic *rudjan. Its past participle rid has been used in the context be rid of, get rid of since the 15th century. Riddance is a 16th-century English coinage.
rid (v.)
c. 1200, "clear (a space); set free, save," from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse ryðja (past tense ruddi, past participle ruddr) "to clear (land) of obstructions," from Proto-Germanic *reudijan (cognates: Old High German riuten, German reuten "to clear land," Old Frisian rothia "to clear," Old English -royd "clearing," common in northern place names), from PIE root *reudh- "to clear land." The general sense of "to make (something) free (of something else)" emerged by 1560s. Senses merged somewhat with Northern English, Scottish, and U.S. dialectal redd. To get rid of (something or someone) is from 1660s. Related: Ridden; ridding.
1. The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.
2. Why couldn't he ever rid himself of those thoughts, those worries?
3. You'll never quite get rid of every last bit of grit.
4. Cities upstream use the river to get rid of sewage.
5. You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.



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