
英 [ˈsæv.ɪdʒ]      美 [ˈsæv.ɪdʒ]
  • adj. 野蛮的;残酷的;狂怒的;荒凉的
  • n. 未开化的;粗鲁的人;残暴成性的人
  • vt. 乱咬;粗暴的对待
  • n. (Savage)人名;(西)萨瓦赫;(英、德)萨维奇
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1. (未开化的)年代要常喊救命 =brutal.
savage 野人

来自古法语 sauvage,野人,来自拉丁语 salvaticus,野蛮的,来自 silva,森林,林地,词源同 sylvan, 森林。引申诸相关词义。

savage: [13] A savage is etymologically someone who comes from the ‘woods’ – woodlands being anciently viewed as places of untamed nature, beyond the pale of civilized human society. The word comes via Old French sauvage from Vulgar Latin *salvāticus, an alteration of Latin silvāticus ‘of the woods, wild’. This was a derivative of silva ‘woods, forest’ (source of English sylvan [16]), a word of uncertain origin.
=> sylvan
savage (adj.)
mid-13c., "fierce, ferocious;" c. 1300, "wild, undomesticated, untamed" (of animals and places), from Old French sauvage, salvage "wild, savage, untamed, strange, pagan," from Late Latin salvaticus, alteration of silvaticus "wild," literally "of the woods," from silva "forest, grove" (see sylvan). Of persons, the meaning "reckless, ungovernable" is attested from c. 1400, earlier in sense "indomitable, valiant" (c. 1300).
savage (n.)
"wild person," c. 1400, from savage (adj.).
savage (v.)
"to tear with the teeth, maul," 1880, from savage (adj.). Earlier "to act the savage" (1560s). Related: Savaged; savaging.
1. In fact, Richard Savage had known Edward Bellamy a scant five hours.
2. My name is Richard Savage, your Lordship.
3. They were savage and bloodthirsty.
4. Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.
5. He received a savage blow on the head; that did for him.
他头上遭到一记猛击, 就完蛋了.


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