
英 [ˈvɪʃ.əs]      美 [ˈvɪʃ.əs]
  • adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的
  • n. (Vicious)人名;(英)维舍斯
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1. vice => vicious.
vicious 恶性的

来自vice,罪行,邪恶,引申词义恶性的。比较virtuous circle.

vicious (adj.)
late 14c., "unwholesome, impure, of the nature of vice, wicked, corrupting, pernicious, harmful;" of a text, "erroneous, corrupt," from Anglo-French vicious, Old French vicios "wicked, cunning, underhand; defective, illegal" (Modern French vicieux), from Latin vitiosus (Medieval Latin vicious) "faulty, full of faults, defective, corrupt; wicked, depraved," from vitium "fault" (see vice (n.1)).

Meaning "inclined to be savage or dangerous" is first recorded 1711 (originally of animals, especially horses); that of "full of spite, bitter, severe" is from 1825. In law, "marred by some inherent fault" (late 14c.), hence also this sense in logic (c. 1600), as in vicious circle in reasoning (c. 1792, Latin circulus vitiosus), which was given a general sense of "a situation in which action and reaction intensify one another" by 1839. Related: Viciously (mid-14c., "sinfully"); viciousness.
1. A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone.
2. That second night, Sid Vicious chucked a bottle at the stage.
3. He was a vicious gossip.
4. She was furtive and vicious by temperament.
5. a vicious slander on the company's good name


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