
英 [ˈskæn.dəl]      美 [ˈskæn.dəl]
  • n. 丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤
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scandal 丑闻,丑事

来自拉丁语 scandalum,丑闻,丑事,耻辱,来自希腊语 skandalon,陷阱,罗网,绊倒,使摔 倒,来自 PIE*skand,爬,跳,弹,词源同 scan,descend.比喻用法。

scandal: [16] Greek skándalon originally meant literally ‘trap’ (it came from prehistoric Indo- European *skand- ‘jump’, which also produced Latin scandere ‘climb’, source of English ascend, descend, and scan). It was extended metaphorically to ‘snare for the unwary, stumbling block’, and passed into late Latin as scandalum, which was used for ‘cause of offence’. It came down to Old French as escandle, which was not only the source of a short-lived Middle English scandle, but also lies behind English slander. It was the later French form scandale that gave English scandal.
=> ascend, descend, scan, slander
scandal (n.)
1580s, "discredit caused by irreligious conduct," from Middle French scandale (12c.), from Late Latin scandalum "cause for offense, stumbling block, temptation," from Greek skandalon "a trap or snare laid for an enemy," in New Testament, metaphorically as "a stumbling block, offense;" originally "trap with a springing device," from PIE *skand- "to leap, climb" (see scan (v.); also see slander (n.), which is another form of the same word).

Attested from early 13c., but the modern word likely is a reborrowing. Meaning "malicious gossip," also "shameful action or event" is from 1590s; sense of "person whose conduct is a disgrace" is from 1630s. Scandal sheet "sensational newspaper" is from 1939. Scandal-monger is from 1702.
1. His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.
2. There were fears he would be dragged down by the scandal.
3. The cast of characters in the scandal is bewilderingly large.
4. The industry minister described the affair as "an absolute scandal".
5. What went on was a scandal. It was a disgrace to Britain.



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