
英 [skreɪp]      美 [skreɪp]
  • n. 刮掉;擦痕;困境;刮擦声
  • vt. 刮;擦伤;挖成
  • vi. 刮掉;刮出刺耳声
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skyscraper => scrape.
scrape 刮,擦,刮伤

来自古英语 scrapian,刮,擦,来自 Proto-Germanic*skrapona,刮,擦,来自 PIE*skerb,扩大形 式自 PIE*sker,砍,切,削,刮,词源同 share,shear,scribe.引申诸相关词义。

scrape: [14] Scrape is certainly of Germanic origin, but it is not clear whether it was borrowed from Old Norse skrapa (ancestor of Swedish skrapa and Danish skrabe) or Middle Dutch schrapen. Either way it goes back to a prehistoric Germanic base *skrap-, source also of Old English scrapian ‘scratch’, which survived into the 16th century as shrape. Scrap ‘small piece’ [14] was borrowed from Old Norse skrap ‘remnants, trifles’, a derivative of the same base as skrapa; and scrap ‘fight’ [17] may have originated as a variant of scrap.
=> scrap
scrape (v.)
early 13c., probably from Old Norse skrapa "to scrape, erase," from Proto-Germanic *skrapojan (cognates: Old English scrapian "to scrape," Dutch schrapen, German schrappen), from PIE *skerb-, extension of root *(s)ker- "to cut" (see shear (v.)). Meaning "gather by great effort, collect with difficulty" is from 1540s. Related: Scraped; scraping. To scrape the bottom of the barrel in figurative sense is from 1942, in reference to U.S. employers facing worker shortages during the war.
scrape (n.)
mid-15c., "a scraping instrument;" late 15c., "act of scraping or scratching," from scrape (v.). Meaning "a shave" is slang from 1859. Meaning "embarrassing or awkward predicament" is recorded from 1709, as OED suggests, "probably from the notion of being 'scraped' in going through a narrow passage."
1. It's possible the Congress Party will scrape together a majority.
2. They only just managed to scrape the money together.
3. If we can get a draw, we might scrape through.
4. He almost manages to scrape a living as an artist.
5. I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.


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