
英 [saɪð]      美 [saɪð]
  • n. 长柄大镰刀;钐刀
  • vt. 用大镰刀割
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1. scind- / sciss- => scyth- + -e.
scythe 镰刀

来自古英语 sigthi,镰刀,来自 Proto-Germanic*segithoz,切割工具,来自 PIE*sek,砍,词源同 segment,section.

scythe: [OE] Scythe goes back ultimately to the Indo-European base *sek- ‘cut’, source also of English section, segment, sickle, etc. Its Germanic descendant was *seg-, which produced the noun *segithō, source of English scythe (the variant *sag- lies behind English saw). Until the 17th century the word was generally spelled sythe; modern scythe is due to the influence of scissors.
=> section, segment, sickle
scythe (n.)
Old English siðe, sigði, from Proto-Germanic *segithoz (cognates: Middle Low German segede, Middle Dutch sichte, Old High German segensa, German Sense), from PIE root *sek- "to cut" (see section (n.)). The sc- spelling crept in early 15c., from influence of Latin scissor "carver, cutter" and scindere "to cut." Compare French scier "saw," a false spelling from sier.
scythe (v.)
1570s, "use a scythe;" 1590s "to mow;" from scythe (n.). From 1897 as "move with the sweeping motion of a scythe." Related: Scythed; scything.
1. Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.
2. He's cutting grass with a scythe.
3. He was very busy, putting an edge on a scythe.
他正忙着干活, 在磨一把长柄大镰刀的刃儿.
4. I saw you wield scythe once.
5. Tom, just cut his arm with a scythe , tumbled on it in the hayfield.
汤姆, 只是胳膊给割破了--在草田里摔在镰刀上了.


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