
英 [sekt]      美 [sekt]
  • n. 宗派
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sect 教派,宗派,派别

来自拉丁语 secta,宗派,组织,方式,原则,来自 sectus,追随的,过去分词格于 sequi,追随, 跟随,词源同 sequence,pursue.词义受另一个拉丁语 secar(e 分开)影响,词源同 section,segment.

sect: [14] Despite its similarity to section and sector, sect has nothing to do with ‘cutting’. It comes via Old French secte from Latin secta, which denoted literally a ‘following’, hence a ‘faction of supporters’ (it was a noun use of sectus, an archaic past participle of sequī ‘follow’, from which English gets sequence, sue, etc). Set ‘group’ is ultimately the same word as sect.
=> second, sequel, sequence, set, sue, suit
sect (n.)
mid-14c., "distinctive system of beliefs or observances; party or school within a religion," from Old French secte, sete "sect, religious community," or directly from Late Latin secta "religious group, sect in philosophy or religion," from Latin secta "manner, mode, following, school of thought," literally "a way, road, beaten path," from fem. of sectus, variant past participle of sequi "follow," from PIE *sekw- (1) "to follow" (see sequel). Confused in this sense with Latin secta, fem. past participle of secare "to cut" (see section (n.)). Meaning "separately organized religious body" is recorded from 1570s.
1. When he was sixteen he joined a religious sect.
2. Each religious sect in the town had its own church.
3. He was rejoiced at so early an opportunity of distinguishing his faith in his new sect.
4. He is the 53 th leader of the Chengdu Qingcheng Mountain Wudang Sect.
5. That strange new religious sect conducts its services in dog Latin.



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