
英 [ˈsɒl.əm]      美 [ˈsɑː.ləm]
  • adj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的
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1、sol- "whole, entire" => firm, solid.
2、由于“固体”给人的印象是一种固定的、一成不变的、正经的形象,因此,又可以进一步引申为:formal, ceremonial, traditional.
3、sol- + -emn => solemn => formal, ceremonial, traditional.
4. 谐音“索罗门、所罗门” sole-唯一、 独特——至高无上
5. 谐音“肃了穆”------肃穆。
6. The folk etymology explanation that Latin sollemnis was formed from sollus "whole" + annus "year".
solemn 仪式的,庄严的,郑重的,严肃的

来自拉丁语 solemnis/sollemnis,仪式的,宗教节日的,一年一度的,来自 sollennis,年度的, 固定的,来自 sollus,整个的,完整的,词源同 solid,-enn,年,词源同 annual,biennial.引申词义 庄严的,郑重的,严肃的等。

solemn: [14] Solemn comes via Old French solemne from Latin sollemnis ‘customary’, hence ‘performed with due ceremony on a particular fixed day’. This was derived from sollus ‘whole’ (source also of English solicit).
=> solicit
solemn (adj.)
mid-14c., "performed with due religious ceremony or reverence, sacred, devoted to religious observances," also, of a vow, etc., "made under religious sanction, binding," from Old French solempne (12c., Modern French solennel) and directly from Latin sollemnis "annual, established, religiously fixed, formal, ceremonial, traditional," perhaps related to sollus "whole" (see safe (adj.)).

"The explanation that Latin sollemnis was formed from sollus whole + annus year is not considered valid" [Barnhart], but some assimilation via folk-etymology is possible. In Middle English also "famous, important; imposing, grand," hence Chaucer's friar, a ful solempne man. Meaning "marked by seriousness or earnestness" is from late 14c.; sense of "fitted to inspire devout reflection" is from c. 1400. Related: Solemnly.
1. He was a slim, solemn, darkly handsome young man.
2. Erica was solemn, pulling at her blonde curls.
3. His face suddenly turned solemn, his voice confidential.
4. Drums and cymbals beat out a solemn rhythm.
5. His solemn little face broke into smiles.


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