
英 [ˈstɪɡ.mə]      美 [ˈstɪɡ.mə]
  • n. [植] 柱头;耻辱;污名;烙印;特征
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1. 与 stick 同源。
2. st- (street) + ig (谐音“一个”) + ma (谐音“骂”) => 在大街上遇到一个泼妇骂街,这简直是耻辱、污点。
3. 大街上挨了一个骂是耻辱。
stigma 耻辱,羞耻

来自拉丁语 stigma,烙印,伤痕,来自希腊语 stigma,烙印,刺痕标记,来自 stizein,作标记, 刺青,来自 PIE*steig,刺,词源同 stick,sting.引申词义耻辱标记,耻辱,羞耻等。

stigma: [16] Greek stígma denoted a ‘mark made on the skin with a sharp implement’, hence a ‘tattoo’ or ‘brand’. It was derived from the Indo- European base *stig- ‘be sharp, pierce’, which also produced English stick, stitch, etc. By the time it arrived in English, via Latin stigma, it has acquired the connotation of a ‘brand of shame’, and it was also used specifically for the marks made on Christ’s hands and feet by the nails of the cross.
=> stick, stitch
stigma (n.)
1590s (earlier stigme, c. 1400), "mark made on skin by burning with a hot iron," from Latin stigma (plural stigmata), from Greek stigma (genitive stigmatos) "mark of a pointed instrument, puncture, tattoo-mark, brand," from root of stizein "to mark, tattoo," from PIE root *steig- "to stick; pointed" (see stick (v.)).

Figurative meaning "a mark of disgrace" in English is from 1610s. Stigmas "marks resembling the wounds on the body of Christ, appearing supernaturally on the bodies of the devout" is from 1630s; earlier stigmate (late 14c.), from Latin stigmata.
1. There is very little stigma attached to crime and criminals.
2. the social stigma of alcoholism
3. Being an unmarried mother used to carry a social stigma.
4. It's a stigma to ask for money.
5. No stigma attaches to [ rests on ] the girl.
这个姑娘清白 无瑕.



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