
英 [steɪn]      美 [steɪn]
  • vt. 沾污;败坏;给…着色
  • vi. 污染;被沾污;被染污
  • n. 污点;瑕疵;着色剂
  • n. (Stain)人名;(德)施泰因;(塞、瑞典)斯泰因
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1. dis- + ting- => stain.
2. 不锈钢(Stainless Steel)是不锈耐酸钢的简称.
3. 电影:《人性的污点》:《The Human Stain》。
4. distain => stain.
5. SS为不锈钢钢材通用编号的英文前缀简称。较为常见的是SS304号不锈钢钢材。
6. 谐音“色玷痕”。
stain 弄脏,玷污,斑点,污渍

来自中古英语 steinen,涂彩,着色,来自古诺斯语 steina,涂彩,着色,来自 steinn,石头,矿石, 矿物蓝,颜色,色彩,来自 Proto-Germanic*stainaz,石头,词源同 stone.其原义可能是将有颜 色的矿石磨粉后用于涂色,如中国古代常用的朱砂就是一种非常重要的颜色原料,后引申词 义弄脏,玷污,斑点,污渍等。

stain (v.)
late 14c., "damage or blemish the appearance of," probably representing a merger of Old Norse steina "to paint, color, stain," and a shortened form of Middle English disteynen "to discolor or stain," from Old French desteign-, stem of desteindre "to remove the color" (Modern French déteindre), from des- (from Latin dis- "remove;" see dis-) + Old French teindre "to dye," from Latin tingere (see tincture). Meaning "to color" (fabric, wood, etc.) is from 1650s. Intransitive sense "to become stained, take stain" is from 1877. Related: Stained; staining. Stained glass is attested from 1791.
stain (n.)
1560s, "act of staining," from stain (v.). Meaning "a stain mark, discoloration produced by foreign matter" is from 1580s. Meaning "dye used in staining" is from 1758.
1. A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt.
2. I hope it doesn't stain the carpet.
3. She couldn't rub off the blood stain on her blouse.
4. It will remain an indelible stain on his memory.
5. The damp rising from the ground caused the walls to stain badly.


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