
英 [sɔːd]      美 [sɔːrd]
  • n. 刀,剑;武力,战争
  • n. (Sword)人名;(英)索德
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sword 剑,刀

来自古英语 sweord,刀,剑,来自 Proto-Germanic*swerda,刀,剑,来自 PIE*swer,砍,劈,刺。

sword: [OE] Sword comes from a prehistoric Germanic *swertham, which also produced German schwert, Dutch zwaard, Swedish svärd, and Danish sværd. It is not known what its ultimate source was, although it has been speculated that it may have links with Old High German swerdo ‘pain’ – in which case its etymological meaning would be the ‘stinger, causer of pain’.
sword (n.)
Old English sweord, swyrd (West Saxon), sword (Northumbrian) "sword," from Proto-Germanic *swerdam (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Frisian swerd, Old Norse sverð, Swedish svärd, Middle Dutch swaert, Dutch zwaard, Old High German swert, German Schwert "a sword"), related to Old High German sweran "to hurt," from *swertha-, literally "the cutting weapon," from PIE root *swer- (3) "to cut, pierce."

Contrast with plowshare is from the Old Testament (Isaiah ii:4, Micah iv:3). Phrase put (originally do) to the sword "kill, slaughter" is recorded from mid-14c. An older Germanic word for it is in Old Saxon heoru, Gothic hairus "a sword."
1. He pretended to scalp me with his sword.
2. I parried, and that's when my sword broke.
3. Fame can be a two-edged sword .
4. The sword and mace were favourite weapons for hand - to - hand fighting .
剑和狼牙棒是 肉搏战 的最佳武器.
5. The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.



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