
英 [tɔːnt]      美 [tɑːnt]
  • n. 嘲弄;讥讽
  • vt. 奚落;逗弄
  • adj. 很高的
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1. 杨过小时候很调皮,小龙女姑姑把他管得很严,这样杨过很不高兴、很叛逆,于是杨过就经常在小龙女姑姑面前吐舌头、扮鬼脸来奚落、嘲弄、逗弄小龙女姑姑,以此来故意惹小龙女姑姑生气。
2. 小明很调皮、很淘气,因此经常踢他姑姑来奚落、嘲弄、逗弄、嘲笑他姑姑。
taunt 嘲笑,奚落

来自法语 tant pour tant,以眼还眼,以牙还牙,原倍奉还,来自 tant,等同,同样,词源同 tantamount,pour,为了,词源同 for.引申词义嘲笑,奚落。

taunt: [16] The etymological notion underlying taunt is of giving someone tit for tat, of returning as much in reply as has been given. It comes from the French phrase tant pour tant ‘so much for so much’. This was borrowed into English in the early 16th century as taunt pour taunt or (partially anglicized) taunt for taunt, which was used for a ‘sarcastic rejoinder’. The first record of the use of taunt on its own (as a verb) dates from 1513.
taunt (v.)
mid-15c. (implied in tauntingly), possibly [Skeat] from Middle French tanter, tenter "to tempt, try, provoke," variant of tempter "to try" (see tempt). Or from Middle French tant pour tant "so much for so much, tit for tat," on notion of "sarcastic rejoinder" (considered by OED the "most likely suggestion"). Related: Taunted; taunting.
taunt (n.)
1520s, "bitter invective," probably from taunt (v.).
1. He became a taunt to his neighbours.
2. Why should she taunt him this way unless she had good grounds?
除非她确实有了证据,不然她怎么会对他这样辱骂 呢 ?
3. His genial sufficiency was a taunt and a mockery to many.
4. He would laugh at any one who tried to taunt him.
5. By now , it was a taunt to him.


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