
英 [ˈtəʊ.pæz]      美 [ˈtoʊ.pæz]
  • n. [宝] 黄晶,黄玉;[鸟] 南美蜂鸟
  • n. (Topaz)人名;(西)托帕斯
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topaz 黄宝石,黄玉

来自拉丁语 topazus,来自希腊语 topazos,黄玉,黄宝石,据说是红海或阿拉伯海的某岛名, 因产自该岛而得名,而该词本身来自希腊语 topazein,搜寻,寻找,因该岛不易找到而得名。 另一名说法是来自梵语 tapas,火,火红色,在中世纪时期用来指各种黄宝石。

topaz (n.)
colored crystalline gem, late 13c., from Old French topace (11c.), from Latin topazus (source also of Spanish topacio, Italian topazio), from Greek topazos, topazion, of obscure origin. Pliny says it was named for a remote island in the Red or Arabian Sea, where it was mined, the island so named for being hard to find (from Greek topazein "to divine, to try to locate"); but this might be folk etymology, and instead the word might be from the root of Sanskrit tapas "heat, fire." In the Middle Ages used for almost any yellow stone. To the Greeks and Romans, possibly yellow olivine or yellow sapphire. In modern science, fluo-silicate of aluminum. As a color name from 1908.
1. Indigo develop Sapphire paper surface treatment technologies and Topaz plastic film surface treatment technologies.
2. She was never the same after Father married Topaz.
3. A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.
4. The emerald, the ruby, and the topaz gleam upon its dress.
那翠绿的 、 艳红的 、 嫩黄色的羽毛闪闪发光.
5. The golden variety of precious topaz is quite uncommon.




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