
英 [ˈtrædʒ.ə.di]      美 [ˈtrædʒ.ə.di]
  • n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案
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tragedy 悲剧(戏剧),悲剧作品

来自拉丁语 tragedia,悲剧,来自希腊语 tragodia,悲剧,来自 tragos,山羊,-edy,诗,歌,词源 同 ode,comedy.该词字面意思即山羊之歌,其词义过渡存在争议,一说是古希腊时期演员演 戏的时候披着山羊皮,一说是对演员奖励一只山羊,还有说法是在演戏之前宰一只山羊祭祀 神灵,而山羊在古希腊时期为常见祭品。

tragedy: [14] Etymologically, a tragedy is probably a ‘goat-song’. The word comes via Old French tragedie and Latin tragoedia from Greek tragōidíā, a compound formed from trágos ‘goat’ and ōidé ‘song’ (source of English ode, parody, rhapsody, etc). It is thought that the underlying reference may be to a sort of ancient Greek drama in which the chorus were dressed as satyrs, goatlike woodland deities.
=> melody, ode, parody, prosody, rhapsody
tragedy (n.)
late 14c., "play or other serious literary work with an unhappy ending," from Old French tragedie (14c.), from Latin tragedia "a tragedy," from Greek tragodia "a dramatic poem or play in formal language and having an unhappy resolution," apparently literally "goat song," from tragos "goat" + oide "song" (see ode).

The connection may be via satyric drama, from which tragedy later developed, in which actors or singers were dressed in goatskins to represent satyrs. But many other theories have been made (including "singer who competes for a goat as a prize"), and even the "goat" connection is at times questioned. Meaning "any unhappy event, disaster" is from c. 1500.
1. The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale.
2. The national tragedy of rival groups killing each other continued throughout 1990.
3. She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.
4. All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.
5. She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.


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