
英 [ˈtræv.əl]      美 [ˈtræv.əl]
  • vi. 旅行;行进;步行;交往
  • vt. 经过;在…旅行
  • n. 旅行;游历;漫游
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1. travel travail. 变体、异体。
2. 因为古时出门旅行被认为是一件辛苦、危险的事,所以会有“一路平安、一帆风顺”等祝福语。
travel 旅行,游历,传送

来自中古英语 travailen,远行,出门,原义为折磨,词源同 travail.比喻用法,因古代出门由于 交通不便,出门远行充满艰辛和痛苦。

travel: [14] Travel and travail [13] are doublets – that is to say, they have a common ancestor, but have split into separate words. Their ultimate source is medieval Latin trepālium, a term for an instrument of torture made of three sharp stakes. This was a compound noun formed from Latin trēs ‘three’ and pālus ‘stake’ (source of English pale).

From it was formed a verb *trepāliāre ‘torture on the trepālium’, hence generally ‘torture’. This passed into Old French as travailler, where its reflexive use ‘put oneself to pain or trouble’ evolved to ‘work hard’. Its noun derivative travail ‘painful effort, hard work’ was borrowed by English as travail, and this quickly developed a new sense, ‘journey’ (presumably from the notion of a ‘wearisome journey’), which came to be distinguished by the spelling travel.

=> pale, three, travail
travel (v.)
late 14c., "to journey," from travailen (1300) "to make a journey," originally "to toil, labor" (see travail). The semantic development may have been via the notion of "go on a difficult journey," but it also may reflect the difficulty of any journey in the Middle Ages. Replaced Old English faran. Related: Traveled; traveling. Traveled (adj.) "having made journeys, experienced in travel" is from early 15c. Traveling salesman is attested from 1885.
travel (n.)
late 14c., "action of travelling," from travel (v.). Travels "accounts of journeys" is recorded from 1590s. Travel-agent is from 1925.
1. Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here.
2. The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry.
3. Mr Abel's doctor has said he is unfit to travel.
4. At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel.
5. She bought a travel-bag large enough to contain the film canisters.


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