
英 [trɪp]      美 [trɪp]
  • vi. 绊倒;远足;犯错误;轻快地走
  • n. 旅行;绊倒;差错
  • vt. 绊倒;使犯错
  • n. (Trip)人名;(荷)特里普
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trip 远足,旅行,绊倒,使犯错,轻快的走,幻觉,迷幻

来自古法语 triper,跳动,舞动,来自 Proto-Germanic*trap,踩踏,走动,跳动,词源同 trap,tramp. 引申词义轻快的走,跑,跳,远足,旅行等,同时又引申看似矛盾的词义绊倒,摔倒,使犯 错等,再后在 20 世纪中期引申词义幻觉,迷幻。

trip: [14] The original meaning of trip was ‘move lightly or nimbly’. ‘Stumble’ is a secondary development, and the use of the derived noun for ‘short journey’ did not emerge until the late 17th century (it was apparently originally a nautical usage). The word was borrowed from Old French tripper, which in turn was acquired from Middle Dutch trippen ‘hop, skip’.
trip (v.)
late 14c., "tread or step lightly and nimbly, skip, dance, caper," from Old French triper "jump around, dance around, strike with the feet" (12c.), from a Germanic source (compare Middle Dutch trippen "to skip, trip, hop; to stamp, trample," Low German trippeln, Frisian tripje, Dutch trappen, Old English treppan "to tread, trample") related to trap (n.).

The senses of "to stumble" (intransitive), "strike with the foot and cause to stumble" (transitive) are from mid-15c. in English. Meaning "to release" (a catch, lever, etc.) is recorded from 1897; trip-wire is attested from 1868. Related: Tripped; tripping.
trip (n.)
"act or action of tripping" (transitive), early 14c., from trip (v.); sense of "a short journey or voyage" is from mid-15c.; the exact connection to the earlier sense is uncertain. The meaning "psychedelic drug experience" is first recorded 1959 as a noun; the verb in this sense is from 1966, from the noun.
1. She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.
2. Prior to his Japan trip, he went to New York.
3. They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month.
4. It would take three to six hours for a round trip.
5. Ray and I ate our meal and reminisced about the trip.


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