
英 [bæʃ]      美 [bæʃ]
  • vt. 猛击,痛击;怒殴
  • n. 猛烈的一击,痛击
  • n. (Bash)人名;(英、俄、巴基)巴什
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1、bang + smash.
2. 谐音“巴西” --- 2014巴西世界杯,巴西被德国痛击,1-7惨败德国。
bash 猛击


bash (v.)
"to strike violently," 1640s, perhaps of Scandinavian origin, from Old Norse *basca "to strike" (cognates: Swedish basa "to baste, whip, flog, lash," Danish baske "to beat, strike, cudgel"); or the whole group might be independently derived and echoic. Figurative sense of "abuse verbally or in writing" is from 1948. Related: Bashed; bashing.
bash (n.)
"a heavy blow," 1805, from bash (v.). Meaning "an attempt" is attested by 1948. On a bash "on a drunken spree" is slang from 1901, which gave the word its sense of "party."
1. The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime.
2. Their ambitions are to bash out good grub with minimal fuss.
3. He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently.
4. Helen : Well a bash is also a large party or a celebration.
ChenLi: 看来,bash又指聚会或者庆祝,狂欢活动,那么我们如何使用它呢?
5. Consider GNU Readline, a library that was developed to provide command - line editing for BASH.
考虑一下GNUReadline, 一个被开发用来为BASH提供命令行编辑的库.


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