
英 [ˈdes.pɒt]      美 [ˈdes.pət]
  • adj. 暴虐的,暴君的;专横的
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despotic (adj.)
1640s, from French despotique (14c.), from Greek despotikos, from despotes (see despot). Related: Despotical; despotically.
1. The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant.
2. The money is running short , discontents are arising beneath these despotic rulers.
在这种专制统治之下, 经济日益困难,不满情绪日益增长.
3. He is utterly despotic to [ toward ] his subordinates .
他对 部属 极为专横.
4. He was despotic, and she liked freedom; he was worldly, and she, perhaps, romantic.
他专横独断, 她却爱好自由; 他耽于利欲, 她却也许有点罗曼蒂克.
5. In order to prevent the establishment of a despotic regime, Kant demanded a separation of powers.
为了防止形成专制统治, 康德要求权力分立.


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