
英 [ɪˈnɒk.jə.leɪt]      美 [ɪˈnɑː.kjə.leɪt]
  • vt. [医] 接种;嫁接;灌输
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1. "graft in, implant," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + oculus "bud," originally "eye".
2. => "implant a bud into a plant".
3. ogle => oculus "bud," originally "eye".
4. because bud have the likeness of eye.
inoculate 接种,打预防针


inoculate: [15] Far-fetched as the connection may seem, inoculate actually comes ultimately from Latin oculus ‘eye’ (source of English ocular [16] and oculist [17]). By metaphorical extension oculus was applied to the ‘bud’ of a plant (much like the eye of a potato in English), and the verb inoculāre was coined to denote the grafting on of a bud or other plan part.

That was how it was used when originally adopted into English (‘Peaches have their Season at May Kalends them to inoculate’, Palladius on Husbandry 1440), and the modern sense ‘introduce antigens into the body’ did not emerge before the early 18th century, based on the notion of ‘engrafting’ or ‘implanting’ an immunising virus into a person. It was originally used with reference to smallpox.

=> eye, ferocious, ocular
inoculate (v.)
mid-15c., "implant a bud into a plant," from Latin inoculatus, past participle of inoculare "graft in, implant," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + oculus "bud," originally "eye" (see eye (n.)). Meaning "implant germs of a disease to produce immunity" first recorded (in inoculation) 1714, originally in reference to smallpox. After 1799, often used in sense of "to vaccine inoculate." Related: Inoculated; inoculating.
1. A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.
2. After the 1960 s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis vaccines.
六十年代后, 中国开始在大、中城市接种卡介苗 、 百日咳 、 白喉 、 破伤风 、 麻疹、脊髓灰质炎的疫苗的工作.
3. I was just meant to come out here and inoculate some wee babies.
4. Inoculate lactic acid funguses ferment in the mixture of banana and milk.
5. An invisible god can inoculate you against those failures.



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