
英 [məˈnuː.vər]      美 [məˈnuː.vɚ]
  • n. [军] 机动;演习;策略;调遣
  • vi. [军] 机动;演习;调遣;用计谋
  • vt. [军] 机动;演习;用计;调遣
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1. 一个男的想永远控制你,法文词。
maneuver (n.)
"planned movement of troops or warship," 1758, from French manoeuvre "manipulation, maneuver," from Old French manovre "manual labor" 13c.), from Medieval Latin manuopera (source of Spanish maniobra, Italian manovra), from manuoperare "work with the hands," from Latin manu operari, from manu, ablative of manus "hand" (see manual (adj.)) + operari "to work, operate" (see operation). The same word had been borrowed from French into Middle English in a sense "hand-labor" (late 15c.). General meaning "artful plan, adroit movement" is from 1774. Related: Maneuvers.
maneuver (v.)
1777, from maneuver (n.), or else from French manœurvrer "work, work with one's hands; carry out, prepare" (12c.), from Medieval Latin manuoperare. Originally in a military sense. Figurative use from 1801. Related: Maneuvered; maneuvering.
1. She tried to maneuver her body into a more comfortable position.
2. This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
3. It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.
4. The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.
5. He executed the same maneuver, easily swinging his boots over the wire.
他也照此办理, 穿靴子的脚轻松地迈过铁丝网.


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