
英 [skaʊər]      美 [ˈskaʊ.ɚ]
  • vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻
  • vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除
  • n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂;(畜类等的)腹泻
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1. cure => *excure => *escour => scour.
2. => "clean off, clean out" literally "take good care of".
3. => "cleanse by rubbing".
4. excursion => scour "run out".
5. => move quickly in search of something.
scour 清洗,擦拭,擦亮,擦净

来自中古荷兰语 scuren,清洗,擦拭,来自拉丁语 excurare,清洗,使干净,字面意思为照看, 处理,来自 ex-,向外,表强调,curare,看护,关心,词源同 cure,curator.

scour 搜查,翻找

可能来自古法语 escorre,跑出,冲出,来自拉丁语 excurrere,跑出,前冲,来自 ex-,向外,currere, 跑,词源同 current,course,excursion.后可能受该词另词义影响,引申词义搜查,翻找。

scour: [13] The notion of ‘cleaning’ implicit in scour evolved from an earlier ‘take care of’. For the word goes back ultimately to Latin cūrāre (source of English cure), which originally meant ‘take care of’, and only in medieval times came to mean ‘clean’. Combination with the prefix ex- ‘out’ produced excūrāre ‘clean out’, which reached English via Old French escurer and Middle Dutch scūren. Scour ‘search thoroughly’ [14] (as in ‘scour the countryside’) is a different word, and may come from Old Norse skýra ‘rush in’.
=> cure
scour (v.1)
"cleanse by hard rubbing," c. 1200, from Middle Dutch scuren, schuren "to polish, to clean," and from Old French escurer, both from Late Latin excurare "clean off," literally "take good care of," from Latin ex- "out" (see ex-) + curare "care for, take care of" (see cure (v.)). Possibly originally a technical term among Flemish workmen in England. Related: Scoured; scouring. As a noun, 1610s, from the verb.
scour (v.2)
"move quickly in search of something," c. 1300, probably from Old Norse skyra "rush in," related to skur "storm, shower, shower of missiles" (see shower (n.)). Perhaps influenced by or blended with Old French escorre "to run out," from Latin excurrere (see excursion). Sense probably influenced by scour (v.1).
1. He decided to scour the sink.
2. Mother made me scour the family silver.
3. Please scour rust spots from the knife.
4. Mercerizing wash waters can be used to prepare scour, chlorine bleach.
5. You can scour dirty pans by rubbing them with scouring powder.



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