
英 [skrʌb]      美 [skrʌb]
  • n. 矮树;洗擦;擦洗者;矮小的人(或物)
  • vt. 用力擦洗;使净化
  • vi. 擦洗;进行手臂消毒
  • adj. 矮小的;临时凑合的;次等的
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1. shrub => scrub.
2. sc- (谐音“时刻”) + rub => 时时刻刻都在擦洗、摩擦(rub).
3. "擦洗"的含义可能源于最初使用矮灌木树的枝条做成的擦洗工具。
scrub 刷洗,擦洗,灌木丛

来自 shrub 拼写变体,词义由灌木引申为扫帚,刷子,刷洗,擦洗等。比较 broom,扫帚,原 义为灌木。

scrub (v.)
"rub hard," early 15c., earlier shrubben (c. 1300), perhaps from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German schrubben "to scrub," or from an unrecorded Old English cognate, or from a Scandinavian source (such as Danish skrubbe "to scrub"), probably ultimately from the Proto-Germanic root of shrub, used as a cleaning tool (compare the evolution of broom, brush (n.1)).

Meaning "to cancel" is attested from 1828 (popularized during World War II with reference to flights), probably from notion of "to rub out, erase" an entry on a listing. Related: Scrubbed; scrubbing.
scrub (n.1)
late 14c., "low, stunted tree," variant of shrobbe (see shrub), perhaps influenced by a Scandinavian word (such as Danish dialectal skrub "a stunted tree, brushwood"). Collective sense "brush, shrubs" is attested from 1805. As an adjective from 1710. Scrub oak recorded from 1766.

Transferred sense of "mean, insignificant fellow" is from 1580s; U.S. sports meaning "athlete not on the varsity team" is recorded from 1892, probably from this, but compare scrub "hard-working servant, drudge" (1709), perhaps from influence of scrub (v.).
scrub (n.2)
"act of scrubbing," 1620s, from scrub (v.). Meaning "thing that is used in scrubbing" is from 1680s.
1. It would pay farmers to plough up the scrub and plant wheat.
2. The road winds for miles through parched earth, scrub and cactus.
3. The area was then colonized by scrub.
4. The walls needed a good scrub.
5. I got paint on my hands and it won't scrub off.


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