
英 [skrɪpt]      美 [skrɪpt]
  • n. 脚本;手迹;书写用的字母
  • vt. 把…改编为剧本
  • vi. 写电影脚本
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script 剧本,手稿,书稿

来自 scribe,写,-pt,过去分词格。词性由形容词作名词使用,引申诸相关词义。

script (n.)
late 14c., "something written," earlier scrite (c. 1300), from Old French escrit "piece of writing, written paper; credit note, IOU; deed, bond" (Modern French écrit) from Latin scriptum "a writing, book; law; line, mark," noun use of neuter past participle of scribere "to write," from PIE *skribh- "to cut, separate, sift" (cognates: Greek skariphasthai "to scratch an outline, sketch," Lettish skripat "scratch, write," Old Norse hrifa "scratch"), from root *(s)ker- (1) "to cut" (see shear (v.)) on the notion of carving marks in stone, wood, etc.

Meaning "handwriting" is recorded from 1860. Theatrical use, short for manuscript, is attested from 1884. The importance of Rome to the spread of civilization in Europe is attested by the fact that the word for "write" in Celtic and Germanic (as well as Romanic) languages derives from scribere (French écrire, Irish scriobhaim, Welsh ysgrifennu, German schreiben). The cognate Old English scrifan means "to allot, assign, decree" (see shrive; also compare Old Norse skript "penance") and Modern English uses write (v.) to express this action.
script (v.)
"adapt (a work) for broadcasting or film," 1935, from script (n.). Related: Scripted; scripting.
1. They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.
2. Five whole pages of script were devoted to rubbishing her political opponents.
3. Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready.
4. The original script was written with the idiot box in mind.
5. She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.



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