
英 [spraʊt]      美 [spraʊt]
  • vi. 发芽;长芽
  • vt. 使发芽;使萌芽
  • n. 芽;萌芽;苗芽
  • n. (Sprout)人名;(英)斯普劳特
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1. r 是花,发芽.
2. 专家种的花长出来了.
3. 有花儿是发芽(sprout), 无花儿是喷发、喷射(spout).
sprout 喷,涌,发芽,出现,涌现

来自古英语-sprutan,发芽,出现,来自 Proto-Germanic*sprut,发芽,来自 PIE*spreud,发芽, 来自 PIE*sper,喷,洒,播种,词源同 spark,sprinkle.引申诸相关词义。

sprout (v.)
Old English -sprutan (in asprutan "to sprout"), from Proto-Germanic *sprut- (cognates: Old Saxon sprutan, Old Frisian spruta, Middle Dutch spruten, Old High German spriozan, German sprießen "to sprout"), from PIE *spreud-, extended form of root *sper- (4) "to strew" (cognates: Greek speirein "to scatter," spora "a scattering, sowing," sperma "sperm, seed," literally "that which is scattered;" Old English spreawlian "to sprawl," sprædan "to spread," spreot "pole;" Armenian sprem "scatter;" Old Lithuanian sprainas "staring, opening wide one's eyes;" Lettish spriežu "I span, I measure"). Related: Sprouted; sprouting.
sprout (n.)
"shoot of a plant, sprout; a twig," Old English sprota, from the verb (see sprout (v.)). Cognate with Middle Dutch spruyte, Dutch spruite "a sprout," Old Norse sproti, German Sproß.
1. It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.
2. When you sprout seeds their nutritional content increases.
3. When the seedlings sprout, uncover the tray.
4. At the age of fourteen John really began to sprout up.
5. When do deer first sprout horns?


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