
英 [stæk]      美 [stæk]
  • n. 堆;堆叠
  • vt. 使堆叠;把…堆积起来
  • vi. 堆积,堆叠
  • n. (Stack)人名;(英)斯塔克;(德)施塔克
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1. stick => stake => stack.
stack 堆,叠,撂,烟囱

来自古诺斯语 stakkr,草堆,来自 Proto-Germanic*stakon,柱子,桩,来自 PIE*steg,柱子,桩, 词源同 stake,stick.引申诸相关词义。

stack (v.)
early 14c., "to pile up (grain) into a stack," from stack (n.). Meaning "arrange (a deck of cards) unfairly" (in stack the deck) is first recorded 1825. Stack up "compare against" is 1903, from notion of piles of poker chips (1896). Of aircraft waiting to land, from 1941. Related: Stacked; Stacking.
stack (n.)
c. 1300, "pile, heap, or group of things," from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse stakkr "haystack" (cognate with Danish stak, Swedish stack "heap, stack"), from Proto-Germanic *stakon- "a stake," from PIE *stog- (cognates: Old Church Slavonic stogu "heap," Russian stog "haystack," Lithuanian stokas "pillar"), variant of root *steg- (1) "pole, stick" (see stake (n.)). Meaning "set of shelves on which books are set out" is from 1879. Used of the chimneys of factories, locomotives, etc., since 1825. Of computer data from 1960.
1. He ordered them to stack up pillows behind his back.
2. They said they were going to stack the court with anti-abortion judges.
3. A stack of files awaited me on my desk.
4. I have a stack of emails in my inbox.
5. a stack of books


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