
英 [swæŋk]      美 [swæŋk]
  • n. 出风头;虚张声势
  • vi. 炫耀;出风头
  • adj. 爱打扮的,华丽的
  • n. (Swank)人名;(英)斯旺克
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1. 天鹅小姐爱打扮。
swank 炫耀,卖弄

来自辅音丛 sw-,弯,转,摇摆,摇晃,比较 swing,sway,sweep,swipe.引申比喻义炫耀,卖弄。

swank (adj.)
"stylish, classy, posh," 1913, from earlier noun or verb; "A midland and s.w. dial. word taken into general slang use at the beginning of the 20th cent." [OED]; compare swank (n.) "ostentatious behavior," noted in 1854 as a Northampton word; swank (v.), from 1809 as "to strut, behave ostentatiously." Perhaps ultimately from Proto-Germanic *swank-, from PIE *sweng(w)-, a Germanic root meaning "to swing, turn, toss" (cognates: Middle High German swanken "to sway, totter, turn, swing," Old High German swingan "to swing;" see swing (v.)). Perhaps the notion is of "swinging" the body ostentatiously (compare swagger).

A separate word-thread derives from Old English swancor "pliant, bending," and from this comes swanky (n.) "active or clever young fellow" (c. 1500).
1. There was no swank in Martin.
2. It was Swank's judgment that he had become irrelevant.
3. Don't be such a swank!
4. Swank as well as I still hoped that perhaps they had not shown their hand completely.
5. Swank was born in Washington State, or perhaps Nebraska.
斯万卡出生于华盛顿州, 或者可能是内布拉斯加州.


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