
英 [tɪn]      美 [tɪn]
  • n. 锡;罐头,罐;马口铁
  • adj. 锡制的
  • vt. 涂锡于;给…包马口铁
  • n. (Tin)人名;(缅、柬)丁;(印尼)婷;(越)信;(泰、土)廷
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tin 锡,锡盒,金属食品盒

来自古英语 tin,锡,来自 Proto-Germanic*tinom,锡。

tin: [OE] Tin is a general Germanic word, with relatives in German zinn, Dutch and Danish tin, and Swedish tenn. These point to a common ancestor *tinam, but where this came from is not known. The word was first used for a ‘tin can’ in the early 19th century. Tinker may be related.
tin (n.)
Old English tin, from Proto-Germanic *tinom (cognates: Middle Dutch and Dutch tin, Old High German zin, German Zinn, Old Norse tin), of unknown origin, not found outside Germanic.

Other Indo-European languages often have separate words for "tin" as a raw metal and "tin plate;" such as French étain, fer-blanc. Pliny refers to tin as plumbum album "white lead," and for centuries it was regarded as a form of silver debased by lead; hence its figurative use for "mean, petty, worthless." The chemical symbol Sn is from Late Latin stannum (see stannic).

Meaning "container made of tin" is from 1795. Tin-can is from 1770; as naval slang for "destroyer," by 1937. Tin-type in photography is from 1864. Tin ear "lack of musical discernment" is from 1909. Tin Lizzie "early Ford, especially a Model T," first recorded 1915.
1. The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk.
2. She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.
3. Pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 45 minutes.
4. He had survived by eating a small tin of fruit every day.
5. He reached for a tin of tobacco on the shelf behind him.



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