
英 [ˈbæt.əl]      美 [ˈbæt̬.əl]
  • n. 战役;斗争
  • vi. 斗争;作战
  • vt. 与…作战
  • n. (Battle)人名;(英)巴特尔;(法)巴特勒;(西)巴特莱
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battle 战斗

词源同beat, 击,打。-le, 表反复。

battle: [13] English acquired battle via Old French bataille and Vulgar Latin *battālia from late Latin battuālia ‘fencing exercises’. This was a derivative of the verb battuere ‘beat’ (source also of English batter and battery), which some have viewed as of Celtic origin, citing Gaulish andabata ‘gladiator’, a possible relative of English bat.

Related words include battalion [16], ultimately from Italian battaglione, a derivative of battaglia ‘battle’; battlements [14], from Old French batailler ‘provide with batailles – fortifications or battlements’; and derivatives such as abate, combat, and debate.

=> abate, bat, battalion, battery, combat, debate
battle (n.)
c. 1300, from Old French bataille "battle, single combat," also "inner turmoil, harsh circumstances; army, body of soldiers," from Late Latin battualia "exercise of soldiers and gladiators in fighting and fencing," from Latin battuere "to beat, to strike" (see batter (v.)). Phrase battle royal "fight involving several combatants" is from 1670s.
battle (v.)
early 14c., "to fight," from French batailler (12c.), from bataille (see battle (n.)). Related: Battled; battling.
1. He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.
2. It's an uphill battle but I think we're going to win.
3. This courtroom battle has been a poor advert for English justice.
4. He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought.
5. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship.


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