
英 [siːm]      美 [siːm]
  • n. 缝;接缝
  • vt. 缝合;接合;使留下伤痕
  • vi. 裂开;产生裂缝
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1. 没有他(t)堵住缝隙,蒸汽(steam)就会从缝隙(seam)中漏出去。
2. Latin sutus, past participle of suere "to sew" => sew, suture, seam.
3. sew => seam.
4. 区分:seem, seam: 看到但是看得不真切的东西才是好像,所seem的前面是see;而seam的前面是sea, 而sea很像是各个大陆板块的接缝、裂缝。
5. seam【细么】缝;接缝
6. 谐音“丝么、丝缪、丝抹”。
7. 谐音“撕幕”----撕裂的幕,需要缝补。
seam 接缝,线缝,缝隙

来自古英语 seam,缝补,连接,来自 Proto-Germanic*saumaz,缝补,来自 PIE*syu,缝补,词源

seam: [OE] A seam is etymologically a joint made by ‘sewing’. The word goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *saumaz (source also of German saum, Dutch zoom, Swedish söm, and Danish søm), which was derived from the base *sau-, the ancestor of English sew.
=> sew
seam (n.)
Old English seam "seam, suture, junction," from Proto-Germanic *saumaz (cognates: Old Frisian sam "hem, seam," Old Norse saumr, Middle Dutch som, Dutch zoom, Old High German soum, German Saum "hem"), from PIE root *syu- "to sew, to bind" (cognates: Old English siwian, Latin suere, Sanskrit syuman; see sew).
Chidynge and reproche ... vnsowen the semes of freendshipe in mannes herte. [Chaucer, "Parson's Tale," c. 1386]
Meaning "raised band of stitching on a ball" is recorded from 1888. Geological use is from 1590s.
seam (v.)
1580s, from seam (n.). Related: Seamed; seaming.
1. The average UK coal seam is one metre thick.
2. Tack them together with a 1.5 cm seam.
3. Use vinyl seam adhesive where vinyls overlap.
4. They struck a rich seam of iron ore.
5. The seam has split [ burst ] .
衣裳 绽 线了.


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