
英 [θɪn]      美 [θɪn]
  • adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的
  • vt. 使瘦;使淡;使稀疏
  • vi. 变薄;变瘦;变淡
  • adv. 稀疏地;微弱地
  • n. 细小部分
  • n. (Thin)人名;(越)辰;(柬)廷
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thin 薄的,稀疏的

来自古英语 thynne,薄的,来自 Proto-Germanic*thunni,薄的,来自 PIE*ten,延展,拉长,词源 同 extend,tender,tenuous.词义由拉长引申为细长,薄的,脆弱的等诸多相关词义。

thin: [OE] Thin denotes etymologically ‘stretched’. It goes back ultimately to the Indo- European base *ten- ‘stretch’, which also produced Latin tenuis ‘thin’ (source of English tenuous) and Latin tendere ‘stretch’ (source of English tend, tense, etc). From this was descended prehistoric Germanic *thunnuz, which has evolved into German dünn, Dutch dun, Swedish tunn, Danish tynd, and English thin.
=> tend, tense, tenuous
thin (adj.)
Old English þynne "narrow, lean, scanty, not dense; fluid, tenuous; weak, poor," from Proto-Germanic *thunni "thin" (cognates: West Frisian ten, Middle Low German dunne, Middle Dutch dunne, Dutch dun, Old High German dunni, German dünn, Old Norse þunnr, Swedish tunn, Danish tynd), from PIE *tnu- "stretched, stretched out" (hence "thin"), from root *ten- "to stretch" (cognates: Latin tenuis "thin, slender;" see tenet).
These our actors ... were all Spirits, and Are melted into Ayre, into thin Ayre. [Shakespeare, "The Tempest," IV.i.150, 1610]
"Loose or sparse," hence "easily seen through," with figurative extensions. Related: Thinly; thinness. Thin-skinned is attested from 1590s; the figurative sense of "touchy" is from 1670s.
thin (v.)
Old English þynnian "to make thin, lessen, dilute," also intransitive, "become thin," from thin (adj.). Intransitive sense of "to become less numerous" is attested from 1743; that of "to become thinner" is recorded from 1804. Compare similarly formed German dünnen, Dutch dunnen. Related: Thinned; thinning.
1. She was thin and spare, with a sharply intelligent face.
2. He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.
3. She is too thin. Feed her up a bit.
4. His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.
5. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin.


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