
英 [ʌnˈhɪndʒ]      美 [ʌnˈhɪndʒ]
  • vt. 使分开;取下…的铰链;使发狂或错乱
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unhinge 精神错乱

un-, 不,非,使相反,hinge, 铰链,门合页。即门合页松开的,引申词义精神错乱。

unhinge (v.)
recorded earlier in the mental sense of "to disorder" the mind, etc. (1612) than in the literal one of "to take (a door, etc.) off its hinges" (1616); from un- (2) "opposite of" + hinge (n.). Hinge as a verb meaning "to attach by a hinge" is recorded only from 1758. Related: Unhinged; unhinging.
1. Of course, political upheaval could unhinge all the above.
当然, 政治上的巨变可以使以上说的东西支离破碎.


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