
英 [vɔːnt]      美 [vɑːnt]
  • vi. 自夸;吹嘘
  • vt. 自夸;吹嘘
  • n. 自吹自擂
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1. 杨过跟全真教那帮臭道士打仗打赢了,收拾了那帮臭道士,然后到小龙女姑姑的面前夸耀自己的胜利(Victory). 在姑姑的面前夸耀胜利,所以"V"放在姑姑"aunt"的前面。
2. 在姑姑面前所空话(Vacancy), 所以就是吹嘘、吹牛。
3. 虚荣(Vanity)的姑姑,姑姑为了虚荣经常自夸、吹嘘、吹牛。
4. v (罗马数字的五) + aunt => 五个姑姑聚在一起吹牛。
5. 五个女人一台戏嘛!
vaunt: see vain
vaunt (v.)
early 15c., "speak vainly or proudly," from Anglo-French vaunter, Old French vanter "to praise, speak highly of," from Medieval Latin vanitare "to boast," frequentative of Latin vanare "to utter empty words," from vanus "idle, empty" (see vain). Also short for avaunten "to boast" (see vaunt (n.)). Related: Vaunted; vaunting.
vaunt (n.)
"boasting utterance," c. 1400, short for avaunt "a boast" (late 14c.), from avaunten "to boast" (c. 1300), from Old French avanter "boast about, boast of, glory in."
1. This was not a mere empty vaunt , but a deliberate avowal of his real sentiments.
这倒不是一个空洞的吹牛, 而是他真实感情的供状.
2. They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly; All who do wickedness vaunt themselves.
诗94:4他们絮絮叨叨 、 说傲慢的话. 一切作孽的人、都自己夸张.


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