
英 [ˈblʌs.tər]      美 [ˈblʌs.tɚ]
  • vt. 咆哮;狂吹;夸口;威吓;气势汹汹地说
  • vi. 咆哮;恫吓
  • n. 怒号;吓唬
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1. blow => bluster.
bluster 威吓

词源同bluff, 吹嘘,恐吓。

bluster (n.)
1580s, from bluster (v.).
bluster (v.)
late 14c., from a Low German source, such as Middle Low German blüstren "to blow violently," East Frisian blüstern "to bluster" (see blow (v.1)). Related: Blustered; blustering.
1. Of course, his bluster was directed against me as well.
当然, 他指桑骂槐,矛头是针对我的.
2. We could hear the bluster of the wind and rain.
3. He was inclined to bluster at first, but he soon dropped.
起初他老爱吵闹一阵, 可是不久就不做声了.
4. Military planning drove decisions; bluster and posturing drove diplomacy.
决定受军事策划的驱使; 外交受恐吓和故作姿态的驱使.
5. Lou began to bluster, as he always did when he talked politics.
娄开始打开了话匣子,只要谈政治, 他总是这样.


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